Discover inspiring CLIL Projects to engage your students with learning a second language while fostering their individual creative skills!
Each pdf is packed with detailed instructions on how to teach the language and the art, language games, explanations for specific art techniques and links to our Language Resources.

Download posters, flashcards, vocabulary and grammar games to use in the languages classroom.
When I was teaching full-time, I often struggled to find engaging and visually appealing language materials for my lessons, or - needless to say- the time to make them. Combining my passion for illustration and my teaching experience, I have developed the resources I would have loved to have in my languages classroom. All the resources have been tested in the classroom and are designed to seamlessly integrate with the CLIL Projects. They are available in English, Spanish and in blank so you can adapt them to any language. Simply print the materials, and you're all set to teach. Happy teaching!

Illustrate a recipe while learning about the culture, vocabulary and grammar to talk about food and write step-by-step instructions.